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A demonstration of the program options in the ROTOR(+) Software (Videos)



  • Dinesh Velayutham

    No audio in any of the videos,

    A simple slide ppt would have helped a lot. I am sorry but its very poor technical content for the amount of security pass to reach here....!

  • Ian

    Thank you for your comments. We felt that the text addition to the video was preferable to audio as this is often viewed by customers whose first language is not English. By providing the text rather than audio it avoids misinterpretation. Regarding your idea as a PowerPoint presentation. This is a good idea and one we will consider. We felt the video showed a better flow for the customer.
    The security applied restricts access to only our customers. This access sets the customer up to view many more articles on our Technical Website.
    We will take your comments into consideration.


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